‘An Exploration of Planet Earth’ - Lecture with Professor David Martill - ‘The Flying Reptiles of The Jurassic Coast’ at 19:00 hrs

The Etches Collection – Museum of Jurassic Marine Life is hosting an online lecture series that brings to life the Jurassic era and beyond. February’s topic will show us the incredibly exciting work of Professor David Martill, who is a Professor of Palaeobiology at Portsmouth University. The lecture entitled 'The Flying Reptiles of the Jurassic Coast' brings to life the amazing reptiles that once flew across the skies of Dorset some 152 million years ago.   

The lecture is scheduled for Friday, February 25th, 2022 at 19:00 GMT. You can register for this event via the Etches Collection Website or by visiting Eventbrite directly HERE

Professor Martill’s lecture will discuss all the different Pterosaurs specimens found on the Jurassic coast including the Pterosaurs that are on display at The Etches Collection. There will be a live question and answer session after his talk.

This year long online speaker series ‘Exploration of Planet Earth’ lecture series, is a monthly online lecture hosted at 7PM on the last Friday of each month. The cost for each lecture is £6.50. 

Amazing Modern British Seas
The Flying Reptiles of the Jurassic Coast
The Geology of Mars
Missing Links
Earths Earliest Life
The Excavation of the Swanage Crocodile
Jurassic Marine Reptiles
Mass Extinction Events
Collateral Damage: The Plesiosaurus that Died Twice
And more to be confirmed