Donations and Gifting Your Collection
A stunning specimen of ‘caturus’
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The Etches Collection exists due to the generous funding provided to enable the creation and build of the museum from the Heritage Lottery Fund and other trusts and donors. We are not funded or supported in any way by the government or other bodies when it comes to our day to day running and in order to maintain and sustain the fossil collection for future generations, we rely heavily on the income generated from our ticket sales, events and shop sales. All of our revenue is reinvested back into the museum to enhance and grow the displays within the collection as well as conserve specimens for the long term future and to expand on the visitor experience for all of those that come and visit us at The Etches Collection. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in visiting us.
If you would like to support us and join those who have been excited and inspired by our vision of sustaining our museum to house The Etches Collection and making it accessible to everyone, please help by making a one-off or regular donation. Please click the button above to be directed to our page on the National Funding Scheme website.
Fossil Donations & Gifts to The Etches Collection
The Etches Collection Museum of Jurassic Marine Life specialises in the flora and fauna of the Kimmeridgian period and Kimmeridgian Clays of the Late Jurassic. The museum welcomes donations of fossils from this period or other fossil/geological/historical specimens if they are deemed to be useful in enhancing the collection. The acceptance or refusal of any specimen is partly based on the potential educational value of the item as well as the current storage capacity of the Museum and exhibition. The museum reserves the right to reject, prior to delivery and to dispose of, after delivery, any materials deemed no longer appropriate for the collections or if the Museum already has a sufficient quantity of a specimen or material from a certain location. The Etches Collection does not accept specimens or materials with stipulations, restrictions or specific conditions attached.
Should you wish to donate any specimen to the Museum, please contact us here or call the museum on 01929 270000 prior to bringing in your intended donation. Our Front of House staff may not be able to receive you or your objects if you have not already arranged an appraisal meeting in advance.
If your specimen(s) meet the current collection criteria then it may be integrated into the Museums permanent collection. It will be catalogued in line with our Collections Policy. If your specimen is determined to be of non-display quality then it will be added to the Museums educational collection which we use to teach students and the general public through hands on learning. We do also accept donations of suitable fossil or mineral material for sale within our shop, the sales of which are reinvested into the sustainability of the museum.
Once your donation has been accepted and approved, a Deed of Gift form will need to be completed by the donor and the Registrar and will be held on file.